Grocery store in Brattvåg

Our directory includes 4 Grocery store in Brattvåg, Norway. We only list verified local companies in Brattvåg. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Grocery store in Brattvåg near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

Bakerinnå Marlen Katrin Hildre-Almstad

Storgata 63
+47 70 21 77 00

Bunnpris Brattvåg

Strandgata 40
+47 94 84 39 78
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Synnalandsvegen 51
+47 70 21 82 50
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Og, Brattvåggata 20, 16, 18
+47 97 99 52 98
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